Percentage increase:
A common mistake is to just look at the percentage increase between last year's assessment and this year's assessment.
- This is not good evidence as it does not account for any errors in the last year's assessed value.
- Also, the market values of properties like yours may have changed by a different percentage than other properties.
No evidence to support your arguments:
Make sure you provide your own evidence.
- Do not simply criticize BC Assessment's evidence or numbers. If you do not provide anything better, we may agree with BC Assessment.
- You must get your own evidence. We will not do the research for you or BC Assessment.
Inferior evidence:
Watch the quality of your evidence. If BC Assessment has provided some sales , ask yourself:
- Can I provide better evidence?
- Are my sales more similar to my property than BC Assessment's sales?
Keep in mind: listings of properties for sale are usually weaker evidence than actual sales of similar properties.
Small adjustments:
Do not expect us to make a small adjustment to your assessed value (e.g.: a few percent or less).
- Estimating market value is not an exact science.
- We usually cannot say precisely what your property is worth.
- It is often more reasonable to say your property value is within a range of values. For example, it is worth from $375,000 to $400,000.
Assessment comparisons:
Do not simply compare your assessment to other assessments. For example:
- It is not enough to say another property is assessed $40,000 less than yours.
- Maybe this property is worth less. It might be smaller, poorer quality, or have less of a view, etc.