Board Members

Who will decide my appeal and what are their qualifications

All Board members are appointed by the Cabinet of the Provincial government.

The Board is lead by the Chair – who reports to the Minister of Attorney General. The Chair, four Vice-Chairs and Registrar manage the appeals, working with the parties to seek resolution through mutual agreement. If the appeal is not settled, it will be decided by one or more Board members who may be the Chair, Vice-Chair or a part-time member.

Board member backgrounds:

See the links below for a summary of the current Board members’ backgrounds:

Justin Allin Camille Karlicki
Karen Ameyaw Howard Kushner
Yasin Amlani Dave Lee
Fiona Anderson Howard Mak
Christine Arnold Robert Metcalf
Allan Beatty Edwina Nearhood
John Bridal Michael Polomark
Madisun Browne (Vice Chair) Dale Pope
Larry Dybvig Audrey Suttorp (Vice Chair)
Joash Fang Janice Thomas
Erin Frew (Chair) Kenneth Thornicroft
Steven Guthrie Bruce Turner
Mandy Hansen Candace Watson
James Howell (Vice Chair) Robert Wickett
Courtnee Helem Philip Yang
Sarah Beth Hutchison  
Zahra Jimale  

Board member remuneration:

Board members are remunerated in accordance with the Treasury Board Directive 1/24 which covers Administrative Tribunals in British Columbia. 

Details on 2023/24 for Board members: remuneration.